Closing date: 31 March each year.

Student type: Domestic and International students are eligible for this scholarship program.

Level of study: Postgraduate

Study area: Any

Scholarship value: $750


Description: A scholarship tenable for one year is available to candidates proceeding to a postgraduate course at Lincoln University. Existing holders may apply for the award in a subsequent year.



  1. The award shall be known as the Heaton Rhodes Scholarship.
  2. The scholarship shall be open to full-time students eligible to proceed to a postgraduate course at Lincoln University.
  3. One scholarship shall be offered annually and be tenable for one year. Scholarship holders may reapply in a subsequent year.
  4. The current value of the scholarship is $750.
  5. The criteria for selection shall be academic merit and the financial circumstances of the applicant.
  6. The scholarship shall be awarded by the Council on the recommendation of the Academic Board.
  7. The scholarship may be held with any other bursary, scholarship, prize, or fellowship unless the conditions of the other award preclude it.
  8. The scholarship may be terminated by Council at any time on receipt of a report from the Academic Board that the conduct or progress of the scholar has been unsatisfactory.
  9. Application forms are available from the Scholarships Office with whom applications close on 31 March each year.

How to apply:  apply online

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