American College of Surgeons Offers Full Medical Scholarships for International Students

As an aspiring doctor from outside the United States, you dream of attending an esteemed medical school and becoming a surgeon. However, the high costs of medical education in America and difficulties securing student visas and funding often seem like insurmountable obstacles. The American College of Surgeons understands these challenges and is offering full four-year scholarships for international students to attend one of three top-ranked medical schools starting in 2024. With a long history of supporting and promoting excellence in surgical care, the American College of Surgeons aims to invest in the future of medicine by attracting and developing the best and brightest minds from around the world. If you have a passion for healing, a thirst for knowledge, and unwavering dedication to your patients, this opportunity could be life-changing. Apply today for a chance at a world-class medical education and a bright future as a surgeon. The deadline for applications is December 1, 2023.

Overview of the American College of Surgeons International Scholarship Program

The American College of Surgeons offers full medical scholarships for exceptional international students pursuing careers in surgery. The scholarships cover the full cost of tuition, fees, and living expenses for the duration of medical school in the U.S. or Canada.

To be eligible, applicants must be citizens of a country other than the U.S. or Canada, have an outstanding academic record, and plan to specialize in surgery. Applicants should demonstrate strong motivation, maturity, integrity, and leadership potential. Six scholarships are awarded annually based on merit.

The application process includes an online application with personal statements, letters of recommendation, and academic transcripts. Applicants who pass the initial screening are invited to interview with the selection committee. Recipients may attend any accredited medical school in the U.S. or Canada and are expected to practice in their home country after residency training.

The goal of the scholarship program is to enable aspiring surgeons from developing countries to acquire the medical and surgical skills that will allow them to make a significant contribution to health care in their communities and countries upon their return home after training. By investing in future leaders in surgery, the program aims to improve surgical care on a global scale.

Outstanding medical students committed to careers in surgery and serving communities in need are encouraged to apply for this prestigious scholarship. The opportunity to train at world-class institutions in North America is life-changing, and recipients gain knowledge and experience to save lives for generations to come.


Eligibility Requirements for the ACS Medical Scholarships

To be eligible for the ACS Medical Scholarships, you must meet the following requirements:


You must be an international student with citizenship from a country outside of the United States or Canada. The ACS awards scholarships to students from developing countries in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East.

Academic Merit

You must demonstrate strong academic achievement and potential. Competitive candidates will have a minimum 3.5 GPA or equivalent in their undergraduate studies. Candidates will also have high scores on medical school entrance exams in their country.

Financial Need

The ACS Medical Scholarships are intended for students who would not otherwise have access to funding for attending medical school in the United States or Canada. Competitive candidates must demonstrate significant financial challenges that make it difficult to fund a foreign medical degree.

Intention to Return Home

Priority will be given to candidates who express a clear intention to return to their home country to practice medicine for a minimum of two years after completing their medical degree. Candidates must articulate their commitment to improving access to surgical care in medically underserved communities in their country.

Additional Requirements

Additional requirements include a personal essay, two letters of recommendation from professors or doctors familiar with your work, and completion of all required medical school application materials. An ACS committee will review all applications to determine scholarship recipients based on merit and need.

With full funding for four years of medical school, the ACS Medical Scholarships provide an extraordinary opportunity for international students to earn a world-class medical degree. By meeting the eligibility criteria and submitting a compelling application, you could join the ranks of ACS scholars who are shaping the future of healthcare in their communities.

How to Apply for the American College of Surgeons Scholarships for International Students

To apply for the American College of Surgeons Scholarships for International Students in 2024, follow these steps:

Review the Eligibility Criteria

Make sure you meet the eligibility criteria, including:

  • Being an international student from an eligible country
  • Planning to enroll in an accredited medical school in the U.S. or Canada
  • Demonstrating financial need
  • Having a record of academic excellence

Complete the Online Application

Fill out the online application including:

  • Contact information
  • Personal statement (500 words max) discussing your motivation for becoming a surgeon, goals, experiences, and financial need
  • Two letters of recommendation from teachers who can speak to your abilities and potential as a surgeon
  • Official school transcripts for all university courses completed

Submit all required documents by the deadline of December 31, 2023.

Application Review and Notification

The selection committee will review all applications and select finalists for phone or video interviews in early 2024. Final award decisions will be announced in April 2024. Up to five scholarships of $30,000 USD each will be granted for the 2024-2025 academic year. Funds will be paid directly to the recipient’s medical school to cover tuition and related educational expenses.

By following these key steps and submitting a compelling, well-documented application demonstrating your passion for surgery and financial need, you will maximize your chances of being selected for this prestigious scholarship opportunity. Please visit the American College of Surgeons website for full details and application. Best of luck!


As an international student, the opportunity to study medicine in the United States is a goal worth pursuing. The American College of Surgeons understands the value of diversity and inclusion in the medical field. Their generous scholarship offer provides a pathway for you to gain world-class training at a top institution. While the application process is competitive, putting in the effort to craft a strong application highlighting your passion for medicine and desire to serve communities in need can lead to an acceptance and full funding for your medical education. Do not let obstacles like finances, location or background stop you from achieving your dreams of becoming a doctor. With hard work and persistence, you have the chance to gain the skills and knowledge to make a meaningful impact on people’s lives. The future is unwritten, so take that first step and apply. You have so much to offer as a doctor, no matter where you were born or where you came from. This could be the opportunity of a lifetime, so reach out and take it. The medical field needs people like you.

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