Apply Now: The Spark Design Scholarship Fuels Creativity

If you have a passion for graphic design and marketing, the Spark Design Scholarship is your opportunity to turn that passion into a career. The scholarship provides funding for select students to complete an intensive 12-week program at the renowned Spark School of Design. You’ll learn from industry leaders, build a professional portfolio, and gain on-the-job experience through an internship at a top design firm. The scholarship covers the full tuition for the program as well as a stipend to help with living expenses. All you need to apply is a creative mind, a strong work ethic, and the drive to succeed in a fast-paced, demanding field. The application deadline is approaching, so start your submission today for a chance to win this life-changing scholarship. If chosen as a recipient, you’ll spend the summer immersed in the world of design and start your career with the skills, experience, and connections to hit the ground running. The future of marketing is visual, and the Spark Design Scholarship can provide you a direct path to becoming an innovative leader in the industry. Apply now—the opportunities are endless.

The Spark Design Scholarship: Fueling Students’ Creative Passions

  • The Spark Design Scholarship program provides funding for students pursuing degrees in graphic design, UX design, and related creative fields. Winners receive $5,000 per year for up to four years to finance their design education.
  • Applicants must be graduating high school seniors or current undergraduate/graduate students enrolled at an accredited college or university.
  • A 3.0 GPA or higher is required. Candidates will be evaluated based on their creative talent, passion for design, and future potential in the industry.
  • To apply, students must submit a portfolio of their design work, an essay discussing their interests and goals in the design field, and a letter of recommendation from a teacher or mentor.

The Spark Design Scholarship aims to support and nurture up-and-coming designers. Recipients will have opportunities for mentorship, networking, and internships with leaders in the design community.

Past winners have gone on to work at top tech companies, design agencies, and freelance design practices. The Spark Design Scholarship has been fueling creative careers since 2010.

If you or someone you know has a gift for graphic design, UX design, or a related field, the Spark Design Scholarship program could be an opportunity to turn passion into purpose. Unleash your creativity – apply today!

Eligibility Requirements: Who Can Apply for the Scholarship?

To be eligible for the Spark Design Scholarship, you must meet the following requirements:

Currently Enrolled in a Design Program

You must currently be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program in graphic design, user experience design, or a related design field at an accredited college or university.

Maintain a Minimum GPA

You must have a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA to apply for the scholarship. Transcripts must be submitted with your application to verify your GPA.

Submit a Portfolio of Your Design Work

Along with your application, you must submit a portfolio highlighting 3-5 of your best design projects. Your portfolio should demonstrate your skills, creativity, and potential for a career in design. Portfolios will be evaluated based on originality, visual appeal, and the ability to solve design problems.

US Citizenship or Permanent Residency

You must be a US citizen, US national, or permanent resident with a valid permanent resident card to apply for the scholarship. Documentation proving your citizenship or permanent residency status must be provided.

Commitment to Using Your Design Degree

Applicants must express a commitment to pursuing a career in graphic design, user experience design, or a related design field after graduating. Winners must agree to provide updates on their progress for up to two years after receiving the scholarship.

The Spark Design Scholarship aims to support up-and-coming designers. By meeting the eligibility criteria and submitting a strong application with a compelling portfolio, you’ll have a chance to win $2,500 to use toward your design education. Best of luck!

How to Apply: Tips for Submitting a Standout Application

To apply for the Spark Design Scholarship, follow these key tips to submit a compelling application:

Meet the Basic Qualifications

First, ensure you meet the basic qualifications for the scholarship, including being a full-time undergraduate student at an accredited four-year college or university in the U.S. or Canada, majoring in graphic design, interaction design, user experience design or a related field, and maintaining a minimum 3.0 GPA. If you do not meet these qualifications, your application will not be considered.

Submit a Stellar Resume or CV

Include a professional resume highlighting your design experience, skills, education, achievements and honors. Emphasize any experience with marketing design, brand identity or interactive design. Your resume should be tailored to the goals of the scholarship.

Create an Inspiring Portfolio

Develop an online portfolio featuring 3-5 of your best design projects that demonstrate your abilities in marketing materials, brand identity, interactive experiences and user interfaces. For each project, briefly describe the business objective or design challenge, your creative solution and the impact or results. Judges will evaluate your design and problem-solving skills based on your portfolio.

Write a Compelling Essay

In 500 words or less, compose an essay describing your passion for design and how you would use the $10,000 scholarship funding to advance your design education. Discuss your future career ambitions and how the scholarship would enable those goals. The essay is your opportunity to express your enthusiasm for the field and connect with the judges on a personal level.

Request Recommendations

Ask two professors or mentors familiar with your design work and potential to provide letters of recommendation speaking to your abilities, motivation and promise in the design field. Strong recommendations from those who know you well can help set you apart.

Following these helpful tips will put you on the path to submitting an application that sparks the judges’ interest and enthusiasm. Best of luck!


As a design student looking to launch your career, the Spark Design Scholarship offers an incredible opportunity to fund your education and gain experience in the field. By applying, you open the door to a world of possibilities. The application process requires time and effort, but the rewards of being selected are well worth it. Picture yourself attending industry conferences, networking with leaders in your field, and creating a portfolio of work to showcase your skills. The Spark Design Scholarship can be the catalyst that ignites your creativity and helps turn your passion for design into a thriving career. What are you waiting for? Apply now and fuel your future as a designer. The possibilities that await you are endless if you just take that first step. Apply today.

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