11 Most Affordable Countries for Nigerian Students to Study Abroad

As a Nigerian student looking to study abroad, finding an affordable option is likely a top priority. The cost of higher education continues to skyrocket around the world, putting many destinations out of reach. However, some countries offer high-quality universities at a fraction of the price of schools in the US, UK, and other expensive locations. If cost is a concern in your study abroad planning, consider some of the most budget-friendly options. In this article, you will discover 11 countries with low tuition fees and living costs that should be at the top of your list. From Europe to Southeast Asia, you have more affordable choices than you may realize to earn your degree overseas. With some smart planning, an international education can be within your reach.

Affordable Tuition Costs – The Cheapest Countries for Nigerian Students’ Tuition

Several countries offer affordable tuition for international students, including Nigerians, compared to studying in Western nations. Some of the most budget-friendly options based on low tuition costs and living expenses include:

  1. China – Chinese universities charge inexpensive tuition, even for degree programs taught in English. Annual fees average around $3,500 USD. The low cost of living in China further reduces expenses for students.
  2. Russia – Russian institutions, especially public universities, charge little to no tuition for undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, even for international students. While living costs are higher than China, expenses remain lower than in Western countries.
  3. Poland – Poland’s universities charge low to moderate tuition, from around $2,500 to $7,500 USD annually for degree programs in English. Although living costs are higher than China and Russia, Poland remains an affordable study destination, especially compared to other European countries.
  4. Malaysia – Tuition fees at Malaysian universities are relatively low, ranging from $3,000 to $7,000 USD per year. Living expenses in Malaysia are also reasonably priced, making it an attractive option for budget-conscious Nigerian students seeking an overseas education.

In summary, Nigerian students looking to study abroad on a budget should consider countries like China, Russia, Poland, and Malaysia which offer high-quality yet affordable degree programs with lower living costs compared to Western nations. By choosing an economical study destination, Nigerian students can gain an international education without accumulating substantial debt.


Low Cost of Living – Most Affordable Countries for Accommodation, Food, and Transport

As a Nigerian student looking to study abroad on a budget, choosing a country with a low cost of living is key. Some of the most affordable options for accommodation, food, and transport include:


Malaysia has a very low cost of living, especially compared to other countries in Southeast Asia. Rent for a one-bedroom apartment in a city center typically costs around $250 to $500 per month. Meals at local restaurants are usually under $5, and a monthly public transit pass is around $30.


Ukraine provides high-quality education at a fraction of the cost of studying in Western Europe. Rent is extremely affordable, averaging $200 to $500 per month for an apartment. Food, transportation, and entertainment are also very budget-friendly. A meal at an inexpensive restaurant is usually around $3 to $7.


The cost of living in Poland is significantly lower than other countries in Western Europe. Rent for a one-bedroom apartment in the city center is typically $300 to $700 per month. A meal at an inexpensive restaurant will cost around $5 to $10. Public transit fares are around $0.50 to $1 per ride.

With lower costs of living, these countries offer Nigerian students the opportunity to earn a degree abroad while keeping expenses to a minimum. By choosing more affordable places to live and study, students can make the most of their experience without breaking the bank.

Scholarship Opportunities – Countries With the Most Scholarships Available for Nigerian Students

As an international student, studying abroad can be an expensive endeavor. However, for Nigerian students looking to further their education overseas, several countries offer generous scholarship programs.

United States

The U.S. remains a top choice for Nigerian students and offers various scholarship opportunities. The Fulbright Foreign Student Program provides full funding for graduate study and research. The MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program also partners with U.S. universities to offer scholarships for undergraduate and master’s degrees. Individual schools like Harvard, MIT and Yale offer merit-based aid for exceptional students.


Canada is an affordable option for Nigerians and provides many scholarships. The Canada-Africa Scholarships Program offers partial funding for undergraduate and graduate study at Canadian universities. The University of Toronto, McGill University and University of British Columbia all grant scholarships based on merit.

United Kingdom

The UK is home to prestigious universities and scholarships for Nigerian students. The Chevening Scholarships, funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, fully finances master’s degrees at any UK university. The Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan also supports Nigerian scholars for postgraduate study and research. Many UK schools offer their own scholarships based on merit and need.

While studying internationally as a Nigerian student may require significant funding, many opportunities exist to ease the financial burden. By researching scholarships early and applying to programs that match your interests, you can find substantial aid to support your education abroad. With determination, you can achieve your goal of an international degree.

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As you’ve seen, there are many affordable options for studying abroad as a Nigerian student. While the costs of international education can seem prohibitive, there are destinations that offer high-quality schooling at lower prices. By doing your research, applying for scholarships, and choosing countries with lower costs of living and tuition, studying abroad is within your reach. An international education can open you up to new ways of thinking, allow you to experience different cultures firsthand, and help you build connections across borders. While finances are important to consider, don’t let perceived costs stop you from pursuing your dreams of studying abroad. With hard work and an open mind, you have the world at your fingertips.

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